how to choose the right bra

How to choose the right bra?


how to choose the right bra

When choosing a bra, it is worth remembering that wearing an ill-fitting bra can negatively affect your health and well-being. What can you do to avoid this? How can you feel comfortable wearing a bra, even all day long? You will find hints in the guide below.  


Why do we choose the wrong bras?  

Women who wear inappropriate bras often complain of breast, back and spinal pain. It is estimated that still 60-80% of women wear the wrong size and cut of bra, yet it is a staple in all ladies' underwear wardrobes. This is often due to a lack of knowledge of good underwear selection principles or a lack of awareness of one's measurements. Over time, our bodies change; we gain or lose weight, our under bust circumference and the shape of our breasts change due to various natural factors. This is absolutely normal, which is why it is a good idea to do a lingerie review every so often and measure yourself anew.  


A bra for special tasks  

Bras were made with women in mind. At any age and with any body shape. From the very beginning, they were designed to support the bust in order to improve both the comfort of the wearer and the aesthetics of the creation worn. A well-fitted bra helps to lift the breasts and keep them in the right place and position, whatever the activity. Bras also help to maintain the correct silhouette and give the breasts an attractive appearance, while allowing the owner to feel at ease.  


Bra size is not a guessing game  

Many women buy bras "by eye". This is not a good solution, as it involves the fact that an ill-fitting bra will not fulfil its basic function - it will not support the bust enough to feel comfortable and relaxed. The basis for choosing the right bra is to take correct measurements. How to do it?  

  1.  Relax and measure the circumference directly under your bust. You should do this on an incomplete inhale and exhale - i.e. so that you squeeze the tape measure gently, but not too tightly either. Make sure your tape measure, or measuring tape, is aligned at both the front and back.
  2. Measure your bust circumference - place the tape measure on the tops of your breasts and make sure it is level both back and front. Don't squeeze the tape measure, try to stay relaxed.  
  3. If your breasts are a little more experienced e.g. through breastfeeding or weight loss or simply gravity doing its thing - take measurements in a soft, unpadded bra. One that will naturally lift your breasts a little. 


Why does size matter?  

Do you repeatedly wait just for the moment when you can finally take off your bra? Do you feel the underwire poking in or the bra girth riding up? If you answered yes to at least one of the questions, it means that your bra is mismatched to your figure and size. Wearing an ill-fitting bra makes a woman feel quite a lot of discomfort, which in turn translates into a bad feeling. In addition, a bra that is too tight can even have a negative impact on the sensitive breast tissue. Shifting of the bra from place to place or protruding underwire here and there, can cause unpleasant chafing or even wounds. No wonder then that none of us feel our best. This is why it is so important that you measure yourself correctly and choose your bra that is properly fitted to your figure, size and breast shape. At MOVELLE, you can use our original size calculator to help you with this process.  

how to measure yourself when buying bras

No one size fits another  

If you've bought a piece of clothing more than once without measuring it and then been surprised because "it's the same size", you might be surprised. - you might be surprised. Get rid of stereotypical beliefs about bra sizes. Many women think they know their size because they have always worn the same one or because it is the size that 'fits' them. They find it hard to believe that, in fact, their bust is bigger and needs better support. What's more, the sizes between the various brands often vary greatly. Even the sizes of different types of models within the same brand can vary. This is why it is so important that you measure correctly before making a purchase, because feeling comfortable in a bra is essential!  


A "C" cup and that's it!  

Many of us mistakenly think that the cup size is standard for each circuit. Well, not at all! As the circumference of a bra increases, so do the actual cup sizes (even if the cup symbol remains the same). Therefore, if you happen to find, for example, a size 38 C too loose and a 36 C too tight - it is very likely that the right size for you will be a 36 D. The shape of your breasts also affects your bra size. In addition to your girth measurements under and in the bust, it is also worth considering the shape and firmness of your breasts. Brafitters can advise you on this, but at MOVELLE you can take advantage of a free consultation and a size calculator.  


The material also counts.  

leia saint white women's bra

The material of the bra also plays a role in choosing the right size. A cotton bra behaves differently from a tulle bra or a mesh bra. This is why it is important that you choose your bra not only for its appearance or material. In order to feel completely comfortable and feel real support for your bust, don't stick rigidly to one "favourite" size, model or fabric.  


How do I know if I have the wrong bra?  

  1. You see creases in the underarm area - this means that the cups of the bra are most likely too small.  
  2. The cups are protruding from your breasts - this is a sign that the cups are too big.
  3. You fasten the bra on the last hook - this is a sign that the bra is worn out and the material is stretched.  
  4. You notice red marks when you remove your bra - this is a sign of a too small, tight circumference.  
  5. The cups rise upwards - the circuit is too large, loose. A properly fitted bra ensures that it does not shift or move around on your body.
  6. The straps droop - this is a sign that the circumference of the size is not correct. 


Are you ready to find the perfect bra?    

You don't have to wait or book an appointment with a brafitter anymore! Use our MOVELLE sizing tool and choose the perfect bra. Get the comfort, support and confidence you deserve. See for yourself the benefits of a properly fitting bra and start enjoying comfort every day. 

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